Stop asking creatives to work for little to no money

Stop asking creatives to work for little to no money

It’s May 2008. I just graduated with my B.A. in Professional Writing and Editing.

My job search is is bleak, and that’s an understatement. I’m dating a guy I cannot stand who really may have a football in his head as a brain. Every editing job I examine requires 5+ years of experience. I relax my shoulders as the light from the computer monitor seems to expose my thoughts: I am going to continue working at Dunkin Donuts for my “career” if I don’t get my shit together.

The regret settles in. Everything everyone said to me crashes like waves on the shores of the ocean on a windy spring day. You can’t do anything with an English degree. You have to start out on the bottom and can’t just be an editor. You have to move to get a job as an editor. All we have here are these little newspapers.

Fast forward to July.

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